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Wednesday 1st December

Firstly, thank you to all of you who came down to the Lights Switch On event on Sunday afternoon to support us in our carol singing! I am so thankful that the Churches Together are given the final slot before the lights go on, and also given the opportunity to share something about the real truth of the Christmas story, which Paul Cubitt, the Anglican Minister, did so well. There were hundreds of people gathered around the stage at that point, and it is a remarkable God-given opportunity. We also had a really good response to our Nativity stall, and Ian Gardner would like to send a huge thanks to everyone who helped in so many different ways. Thank you. There is an EDP article about the event which you can access by CLICKING HERE

I've recorded a short video today as an introduction to the Advent theme we're going to be looking into for the next two Sundays. You can access the video by CLICKING HERE.

Now a few extra links for you:

Anita did a great job leading our all-age service last Sunday morning, and she shared about the Bible Society's daily 'Advent Encounter'. If you'd like to join in with that, then you can access it by CLICKING HERE.

The Eastern Baptist Association Prayer Focus this week is on Headingham Baptist Church and the prayer points can be found by CLICKING HERE

Finally, please take note of this useful information about preventing scams, and CLICK HEREto get information about online product safety.



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