The service tomorrow is at 10.30am. Sunday Fishes will meet at Toftwood from 10am.
The notice sheet can be found by clicking here
Next Wednesday, 13th March - Prayer meeting 7-8pm
Thanksgiving service for Paul Volle is on Thursday, March 21st at 12 o'clock. If you are coming, please book in by clicking on the link below so that we know how many to cater for.
Message from Roy Searle:
A warm invitation to join Alan and Cam Roxburgh, myself and others on Thursday March 21st – 7- 8.15pm (GMT) for a webinar: Explore: Finding out Where God is at Work
This webinar, built around a new book Alan and I have written, looks at how we might all do this. Join us in this conversation and opportunity to share stories together and do spread the word to any others who you feel might be encouraged by joining us in the conversation.
Register for free today!
For more information:
Dates for your diary:
Next Sunday: bring and share lunch
Good Friday joint Dereham Churches Together service at DBC 10am followed by refreshments. Walk of Witness from the Queen Mother's Garden at 12.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service on the Neatherd 6.15am
Easter Sunday Baptisms - anyone being called to be baptised, please speak to Dave or one of the Elders.
Holiday Club - 2-5 April (Primary-aged children) at DBC, Booking required, £10 a child
6th April - 6pm Special Induction Service for Pastor Paulo (new Portuguese-speaking congregation Pastor)
24th March - last date for leadership nominations - nomination forms are in the office and will be available tomorrow
16th April Church Meeting for Members (AGM) 7pm
Please send your requests for prayer to and, other than for emergencies, we will share them in this regular email.