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Dedication and Baptisms - 29th January 2023

My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds,

of your saving acts all day long—

though I know not how to relate them all.

16 I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord;

I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone.

17 Since my youth, God, you have taught me,

and to this day I declare your marvellous deeds.

18 Even when I am old and grey,

do not forsake me, my God,

till I declare your power to the next generation,

your mighty acts to all who are to come. Psalm 71:15-18

This section of Psalm 71 is all about declaring God's righteous, marvellous deeds - what he has done. I love the bit in verse 15 when the writer says he will tell of these deeds even though he doesn't really know how! And we can often feel like that, like we do not know how to tell of what God has done in a way that others will understand. Yet, the challenge for us is, like the psalmist, to have a go anyway.

Today, at our 10.30 service, we have a dedication and 2 baptisms - how exciting. Those being baptised must've heard about our amazing God from someone, and the prayer for the child being dedicated is that they will respond to God's call when they hear and understand for themselves. May we be a declaring people, declaring God's salvation with our actions and our words.

After today's service we have a bring-and-share please do bring something to share with others. We will have many guests with us today as well.

The prayer topics from Richard Cracknell can be found by clicking here

Love and Blessings,



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